Miles From Mcdonald's Oxford Nc to Stovall Shaw Elementary School

Total Population of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US

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1664 Tripp St belongs to US Census Block group that combined has a total of 414 citizens as per 2017 US census data. This is 2.76% of the total 15,009Henderson citizens.

The following is the data table for Total Population of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US:

Total Population 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US
Total 414 (100%)

data source

Gender of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US

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1664 Tripp St belongs to US Census Block group that combined has a total of 132 (41.3%) male and 188 (58.8%) female citizens as per 2017 US census data. In comparison proportions of Henderson citizens are: 42.2% male and 57.8% female.

The following is the data table for Gender of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US:

Gender 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US
Male 132 (41.3%)
Female 188 (58.8%)

data source

Income of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US

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As per 2017 US census data 1664 Tripp St belongs to US Census Block group where combined dominant household income ranges are: $10 000 to $24 999 (38%), $40 000 to $59 999 (30.8%) and $25 000 to $39 999 (19%).

The following is the data table for Income of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US:

Income 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US
Total 221 (100%)
< $10k 16 (7.2%)
$10k - $25k 84 (38%)
$25k - $40k 42 (19%)
$40k - $60k 68 (30.8%)
$60k - $100k 11 (5%)
$100k - $125k 0 (0%)
$125k - $150k 0 (0%)
$150k - $200k 0 (0%)
> $200k 0 (0%)

data source

Median Age of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US

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1664 Tripp St belongs to US Census Block group that combined average male age is 32.7 and average female age 58.3 as per 2017 US census data. In comparison Henderson average male age 32.7 and average female age is 58.3.

The following is the data table for Median Age of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US:

Median Age 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US
Total 50
Male 32.7
Female 58.3

data source

Age Groups of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US

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As per 2017 US census data 1664 Tripp St belongs to US Census Block group where combined dominant age group ranges are: 65 - 84 (30.4%), < 18 (26.1%) and 50 - 64 (15.5%).

The following is the data table for Age Groups of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US:

Age Groups 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US
Total 414 (100%)
<18 years 108 (26.1%)
18 - 24 years 34 (8.2%)
25 - 34 years 26 (6.3%)
35 - 49 years 39 (9.4%)
50 - 64 years 64 (15.5%)
65 - 84 years 126 (30.4%)
>85 years 17 (4.1%)

data source

Marital Status of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US

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As per 2017 US census data 1664 Tripp St belongs to US Census Block group where combined dominant marital statuses are: Never married (40.6%) and Now married (22.2%).

The following is the data table for Marital Status of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US:

Marital Status 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US
Total 320 (100%)
Married 71 (22.2%)
Never Married 130 (40.6%)
Divorced 68 (21.3%)
Widowed 51 (15.9%)

data source

Education of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US

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As per 2017 US census data 1664 Tripp St belongs to US Census Block group where combined dominant household education levels are: Unifinished High-school (39.3%), High-school Diploma (31.3%) and Unfinished College (16.9%).

The following is the data table for Education of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US:

Education 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US
No Schooling 0 (0%)
Unifinished High-school 107 (39.3%)
High-school Diploma 85 (31.3%)
GED or alt. creds 0 (0%)
Unfinished College 46 (16.9%)
Associate's degree 25 (9.2%)
Bachelor's degree 9 (3.3%)
Master's degree 0 (0%)
Professional School degree 0 (0%)
Doctorate degree 0 (0%)

data source

Languages Spoken of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US

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As per 2017 US census data 1664 Tripp St belongs to US Census Block group where combined dominant spoken languages are: only English (98.1%), Spanish (1.9%) and Other Indo-European (0%).

The following is the data table for Languages Spoken of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US:

Languages Spoken 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US
Total 366 (100%)
English only 359 (98.1%)
Spanish 7 (1.9%)
Other Indo-European 0 (0%)
Asian and Pacific Islands 0 (0%)
Other Languages 0 (0%)

data source

Ethnic Diversity of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US

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As per 2017 US census data 1664 Tripp St belongs to US Census Block group where combined dominant ethnic diversity groups are: African American (100%), Two or more ethnicities (0%) and Two or more ethnicities (0%).

The following is the data table for Ethnic Diversity of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US:

Ethnic Diversity 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US
Total 414 (100%)
White 0 (0%)
African American 414 (100%)
American Indian & Alaska Native 0 (0%)
Asian 0 (0%)
Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander 0 (0%)
Two or more ethnicities 0 (0%)
Other 0 (0%)

data source

Household Types of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US

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1664 Tripp St belongs to US Census Block group that combined family households are 50.7% and non-family households 49.3% as per 2017 US census data. In comparison Henderson family households contains 56.6% and non-family households 43.4%.

The following is the data table for Household Types of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US:

Household Types 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US
Total 221 (100%)
Family households,
Married-couple family
12 (5.4%)
Family households,
Other family
100 (45.2%)
Family households,
Other family,
Male householder no wife present
28 (12.7%)
Family households,
Other family,
Female householder no husband present
72 (32.6%)
Nonfamily households,
Householder living alone
109 (49.3%)
Nonfamily households,
Householder not living alone
0 (0%)
Family Households 112 (50.7%)
Non-family Households 109 (49.3%)

data source

Employment Industries of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US

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As per 2017 US census data 1664 Tripp St belongs to US Census Block group where combined dominant household income ranges are: Manufacturing (38.7%), Health care and social assistance (36.8%), Wholesale trade (24.5%) and Management of companies and enterprises (0%).

The following is the data table for Employment Industries of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US:

Employment Industries 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting 0 (0%)
Construction 0 (0%)
Manufacturing 41 (38.7%)
Wholesale 26 (24.5%)
Retail 0 (0%)
Utilities 0 (0%)
Information 0 (0%)
Finance & Insurance 0 (0%)
Real Estate 0 (0%)
Scientific & Technical Services 0 (0%)
Company Management 0 (0%)
Administrative & Waste Management Services 0 (0%)
Educational Services 0 (0%)
Health Care & Social Assistance 39 (36.8%)
Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 0 (0%)
Accommodation & Food Services 0 (0%)
Public Administration 0 (0%)
Other Services 0 (0%)

data source

Means of Transportation of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US

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As per 2017 US census data 1664 Tripp St belongs to US Census Block group where combined dominant types of transportation to work are: Car truck or van (100%).

The following is the data table for Means of Transportation of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US:

Means of Transportation 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US
Car, Truck or Van 94 (100%)
Public Transportation 0 (0%)
Walk 0 (0%)
Taxicab, Motorcycle, Bicycle or Other 0 (0%)

data source

Time of Commute of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US

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As per 2017 US census data 1664 Tripp St belongs to US Census Block group where combined dominant travel time to work ranges are: 30-35 minutes, > 60 minutes and 10-15 minutes.

The following is the data table for Time of Commute of 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US:

Time of Commute 1664 Tripp St, Henderson, NC, US
< 10 mins 11 (11.7%)
10-15 mins 18 (19.1%)
15-20 mins 0 (0%)
20-25 mins 0 (0%)
25-30 mins 0 (0%)
30-35 mins 27 (28.7%)
35-45 mins 0 (0%)
45-50 mins 12 (12.8%)
> 60 mins 26 (27.7%)

data source

Miles From Mcdonald's Oxford Nc to Stovall Shaw Elementary School


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